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Allergens filter
Wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt
Almond, hazelnut, walnut, cashew, pecan, Brazil nut, pistachio, macadamia
Oysters, squid, mussels, scallops
Lupine and lupine products
Sulphur dioxide and sulphite, SO2 E221-228
Sesame seeds and sesame seed products
Mustard and mustard products
Celery and celery products
Soy and soy products
Milk and milk products (lactose)
Egg and egg products
Fish and fish products
Shrimp, crab, lobster et al.
Peanuts and peanut products
Allergens filter
Wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt
Almond, hazelnut, walnut, cashew, pecan, Brazil nut, pistachio, macadamia
Oysters, squid, mussels, scallops
Lupine and lupine products
Sulphur dioxide and sulphite, SO2 E221-228
Sesame seeds and sesame seed products
Mustard and mustard products
Celery and celery products
Soy and soy products
Milk and milk products (lactose)
Egg and egg products
Fish and fish products
Shrimp, crab, lobster et al.
Peanuts and peanut products
SKU: 612
Mexíkóskt kjúklingalasagnette 400gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 607
Fiskibollur í karrýsósu 430 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 606
Hangikjöt með uppstúf og kartöflumús 450 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 604
Ítalskt lasagne 415 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 609
Nautapottur Peperonata 450 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 611
Kjúklingur Tikka Masala 410 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 608
Chili con carne 400 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 357
Kartöflumús 300 gr / 16 í kassa
SKU: 333
Mashed Potatoes 600 gr
SKU: 306
Garlic Potatoes Au Gratin 600 gr
SKU: 307
Beikongratín 550 gr / 12 í kassa
SKU: 355
Buttered Corn on the Cob 4 pack
SKU: 347
Coleslaw 400 gr
SKU: 341
Potato Salad with Onions and Scallions 400 gr
SKU: 348
Coleslaw 5 kg
SKU: 344
Potato Salad with Onions and Scallions 5 kg
SKU: 918
Þykkvabæjar íslenskar kartöflur 1 kg poki
SKU: 405
BBQ Potatoes 700 gr
SKU: 302
Preboiled Express Potatoes 1 kg
SKU: 320
Forsoðnar P 3 kg / 4 í kassa
SKU: 312
Preboiled Potatoes S 3kg
SKU: 324
Preboiled Sliced Potatoes 3 kg
SKU: 328
Preboiled Cubed Potatoes 3 kg
SKU: 308
Garlic Potatoes Au Gratin 2 kg
SKU: 335
Mashed Potatoes 2 kg
SKU: 701
Mexíkósúpa 1 kg
SKU: 702
Kjötsúpa 1 kg
SKU: 1320
Preboiled Potatoes P 40 x 3 kg
SKU: 1312
Preboiled Potatoes S 40 x 3 kg
SKU: 938
Ferskar kartöflur smælki 10 kg
SKU: 615
Pasta Arrabiata 400g / 12 í kassa
SKU: 614
Pasta með ítalskri pylsu í tómatsósu 400g / 12 í kassa
SKU: 613
Tagliatelle með kjúklingi í ostasósu 400g / 12 í kassa