
Sómi ehf – Bank account number: 0546-26-11539 – ID. 630293-2279 – VAT number: 36878


If a method of payment other than cash or credit card has been agreed upon, Somi shall issue an invoice for the goods in question. Due date depends on the business terms between Somi and its customers. Interest on arrears after final due date are according to law nr. 38/2001 on interest and indexation. Interests are calculated from final due date until date of payment.

If invoices are overdue 10 days after final due date the invoice is automatically forwarded to Inkasso for collection entailing pertinent additional charges. Remarks on invoices should be received by Somi within 10 days from date of issue. In case of dispute, a customer can only postpone payment of the disputed amount itself.


All prices are in ISK and include VAT. Online prices are subject to change without notice.


Goods are to be paid for before leaving the Somi warehouse for delivery. Payments are made through the secure payment gateway of Borgun hf. Direct money transfers are also accepted, receipt sent to

If goods are collected, payment can be made with cash or card upon pickup.


Goods can not be returned or refunded. Issues of defect are reviewed on a case by case basis.


Seller promises full confidentiality on any information submitted by the buyer in connection with business dealings. Information will not under any circumstances be turned over to a third party.


These terms are subject to Icelandic law. Disagreement between seller and buyer over the terms of Somi ehf. will be settled in Icelandic courts of law.